St. Augustine Vacation!
This is one of the first things we saw after we got off the plane. Was kind of scary to me seeing this nuclear plant stuff. Was not what I was expecting for sure. But I took a picture of it at 60 mph for Scott! He was the one so impressed with it. O.K..Then we crossed this HUGE bridge. I don't like big bridges because I am SCARED TO DEATH OF HEIGHTS. And let me tell you, this was one tall bridge. When we got to the top I had to just look straight ahead and not off to the side. Can you believe I am such a chicken??? Well, sorry about that.
The pictures make things just look so small when in fact they aren't. They are huge. The world is huge from this view. It just goes on for ever and ever. The pictures are really not even worth posting because you just can not really get the feel for what is there.
As the sun was setting Uncle Jerry said we had better go take a look at it for it would be gone before we knew it. He was right. I snapped a couple pictures and then he was showing me a few pictures on his camera, literally no more than a minute or two at the very most. And then the sun was gone. GONE. Just flat gone. I am glad I got a quick picture of it that first night. It was beautiful, just for me, it was showing off, giving me a great greeting to Florida.

And then THIS is what I woke to the next morning!!!!
I never tired of this view. Oh I loved being in Florida. I loved the time with my aunt and uncle, and I so loved the quality of time we had together. Great view, great fun, great food, and great company. What more could I have possibly asked for? Well I will tell you about the rest of the trip later. But these were just a few of the first 300 pictures I took!!!
And then THIS is what I woke to the next morning!!!!
i love the pics!! You should redo your front bathroom ocean theme and hang up some of your pics to accent!!! I am glad you had a good time. Hope to see you soon.
It is beautiful my friend, but come back in the Summer when if the heat doesn't get you the mosquitos will LOL. But I admit I do love it here.
Blessings to you.
Do you think Aunt Peggy and Uncle Jerry would like me?
Awesome pictures! You are right, it is beautiful there. (Not that I doubted you for a minute)
Well obviously you love it as much as I do. Didn't you feel so peaceful there? Don't you want to move now? Great photos and I DO know what it feels like to look at them and be there.
Ahhhh, what I would give to be sitting there RIGHT NOW!
In regards to your comment on my blog: Actually, I wouldn't say a thing to an officer if I get pulled over. I know they are basically in the same boat I'm in and they are just doing their jobs. (Unless of course the officer is not a nice one.)
I actually got pulled over last night, but not for the registration, I was stupid and went through a red light. The officer didn't even mention my registration! Ha! I did ask him politely if he would write off my fix-it ticket after he wrote me the other ticket. He just laughed and said "Why sure! While I'm here!" We have a few nice cops.
Do you know I have not gotten a ticket for 21 years and now I have gotten two?!? The first one was not a moving violation though.
Beautiful pictures and especially that sunrise! I'm so glad you had such a nice time. Looking forward to more pics over the next few posts!
Love your sunrise picture. We aren't having sun right now, so no chance of me taking one like it. So it sounds like you like Florida? Or should I say you like the ocean? Love, love,love the ocean! Looking forward to more pictures. Hugs...........
The ocean is so full of power and mystery. I could stand and stare at it forever
this is heaven on earth! how can you not be happy when you have breathtaking scenery like this to look at!
What a view!! Love it! That must have been so nice and relaxing. So glad you get to share some pics with us so we can get a little feel of what it was like.
By the way, I am extremely scared of heights myself!
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