Monday, April 12, 2010

Part of my Weekend

East Texas Archery
This weekend my son asked me to come watch
him and his wife during an archery tournament.
I didn't think I would be too excited, but I found it
to be a great experience. I met some of the nicest
people, never heard yes ma'am so much in my life.
You get there about 30-45 minutes early, sign in
and pay your money.....$15.00 per person I think.
This really does say "shooters sign up here"
but the "s" was often hidden by the curling of the sign...
You can guess the rest of that story.....caused a few good laughs.

Rules are explained by the Club President Kelly.

Super nice guy too!

Some arrows just waiting to be shot!
Walking off to the trails to shoot 3-D targets.

Can you get a feel for how big those trees are?
Oh I could sooo live right in the middle of all this.

Of course you must have restroom facilities.

Chase is TJ's new very good friend.
He works at Gander Mountain where TJ
spends a lot of his hard earned money!
Chase is an EXCELLENT shooter,
And a super fun guy to be around.

Next several shots are just different people.
There are women, men, kids, families, long bows,
hunting bows, tourney bows.....pretty bows
camouflaged bows, ugly bows, cheap bows, and EXPENSIVE
bows. This is one club that I think ANYONE
can be a part just have to make the time.
A lot of these people do NOT hunt, they just like the exercise and
being out of doors. All of them were extremely friendly.

Oh my gosh, this picture is pollen from the pine trees.
It is EVERYWHERE and nasty.

Checking and recording the scores of the team.
Bows with stabilizers sit on the side of the trial while
the other shooters take their shots.

Making a few clicks to adjust the sites for the next target.

Before the shot one checks for the distance to the target
and then after the shot one checks to see if they EVEN HIT IT!

This guy was messing with me....but honestly, it is
a long way down the ravine to check the score of your target.
Glad I was only shooting the camera! I stayed up on the trail.
Women shooters!



FIVE YEARS OLD.....I am NOT kidding.

Some bring along a chair to use for resting while
marking their scores and waiting on the others
to shoot. There is usually about five members
per team.

Long bow

Sometimes help is needed and some people get frustrated.
she is a good shooter, just got a new bow and was upset.....
she will get it, it just takes time getting used to a new product.
Boy can I relate to that!!!!

This little guy was using the range finder to judge the distance.
While stylin' with his Mohawk!

He is a cutie!

Amanda getting ready to shoot at target no. 2.

She has some pretty good form going there!

TJ checking his mark.
and yes it was hot out there.
Just wait till July and August!

This is Tj's other new and good friend Scott.
He too is an EXCELLANT SHOOTER....Just like Chase

And he is a cutie too.

By the way....his dad was an L.A.P.D. officer
for 37 years.
I knew I liked this kid ....
yes, he too wants to become a cop.
And THIS is his wife......isn't she just a doll???

She teaches and coaches.......softball!!!!

So cute and so sweet.
These are just really good people.


Then we went and ate Mexican food....oh yes, it was a
wonderful weekend!


Mental P Mama said...

Wow. I thought it was just a little activity we did in camp! What fun!

claudia said...

Great shots of people doing great shots!!!
Looks like a lot of fun. I loved archery when I was in high school. Now I kind of wish I had pursued that as a hobby.

Marge said...

Looks like you had a good weekend! I'm glad! You got a few pictures in too, besides seeing TJ and Amanda. Looks like you all had a good time. Our Kevin and his boys shot for several years. Now they've graduated to guns, but they did deer hunt with bows for awhile.

We're heading to North Dakota for the weekend to see Lenny and family. But I'll talk to you soon.

Love ya,

Putz said...

hey hey hey lisa j,that ryhtmes you have forgotten all about me, i am the _____ i wrote a blog on shooting a hole in my dad's lqwn mower gas can, and how he enrolled me at the archery club just at the mouth of our canyon and back then had fishing poles, and t shirts and arrows for prizes and i never won any of them

Anonymous said...

I'm so doing that with Jeremy when the kids get older. May even let them play, too!