Then we crossed this HUGE bridge. I don't like big bridges because I am SCARED TO DEATH OF HEIGHTS. And let me tell you, this was one tall bridge. When we got to the top I had to just look straight ahead and not off to the side. Can you believe I am such a chicken??? Well, sorry about that.
When I walked into the condo, just as soon as you open the front door and take about three steps this is what you see. A wall of windows with the most spectacular view in the world. The kitchen looks out the windows as well as the living room. My goodness, you just see beautiful every where except maybe the bathroom, there is no window in there!!! Darn it!
The pictures make things just look so small when in fact they aren't. They are huge. The world is huge from this view. It just goes on for ever and ever. The pictures are really not even worth posting because you just can not really get the feel for what is there.
And then THIS is what I woke to the next morning!!!!
I never tired of this view. Oh I loved being in Florida. I loved the time with my aunt and uncle, and I so loved the quality of time we had together. Great view, great fun, great food, and great company. What more could I have possibly asked for? Well I will tell you about the rest of the trip later. But these were just a few of the first 300 pictures I took!!!