Let me Introduce to you my newest little cousin..
Ava Jillian

and after all that hard work.....it's time for a nap.
Nite Nite!
My family believes in arranged marriages....so one day soon you will be seeing pictures of Ava and Mr. Jingles' wedding. Then a little time later you will also get to see the new born pictures of their children. That is something to look forward to. But that will be a couple years down the road. Stay tuned! And if you want to see some other cute pictures, I have two other postings from today of sweet little girls turning ONE.
Pocket puppies can get in your heart real quick. Great photos and great shots of the one year olds, also... One of these days I will get caught up with everyone again.
Your photo talents have increase ten-fold my friend.
I love those little tiny dogs. A friend of mine has one named Killer. He might accidently lick you to death, but nothing else. Such cute pictures.
Do I have to say it again? Ok. Great pictures as usual. Good think we got out from underfoot because you have been really busy!
They had better lock that puppy up....just sayin';)
Ava is soooo adorable! Oh My...now I want another little puppy!
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